What a week already, Wednesday night and I'm already tired like it is Friday clean up time. My co-worker had her husband call in on Sunday night and say she would not be in to work. So it has just been me, running the office by myself. Which I can handle and have done before. But as a medical worker the longer you go the more things pile up and people are not forgiving. I have to answer all the phone calls that come in and at this point I am just fucking exhausted. My office manager may as well not even be there she is so disconnected from the office that she can't talk to any patients with out becoming upset and flying off the handles. Sometimes I think we need a designated "dark place where we workers can cry in peace." in every doctors office. BUT! I only have to survive two more days. And? This is perfect for job security so I try to look like its not too hard. Anyway, I'm enjoying every second off this week.
It's Wednesday, so naturally I had the kids. We went over to Bobbies and of course my daughter worships his, because his daughter is 10 and mine is almost 4. Lucky his daughter thinks mine is adorable so they "play together" and so she really enjoys it. My son ofc is my son so he played video games with Amanda's son. He really likes Jorden and gets along with him very well which is rare for my son. He is way nicer to Jorden every since he seen him have a seizure. I hope that means my son is becoming a good person. On the way home after he saw Jorden have a seizure for the first time he asked me; "dad? I didn't know humans could do that. I didn't know if he was going to die." *mind you my son is 6 at this time* I explained to him in medical terms what had happened and that we don't know why it has to certain people but with some humans it just does. You could see my answer didn't satisfy him, like the answer wasn't fair. He was right and I had no clue what to respond to him. Oop's, sorry for going off topic, I should warn you now, I tend to wander when I write and tend to bring up recollections etc. Anyway, My daughter Played with Amanda's corn snake! You could tell she was a touch uncomfortable with it. But being the though person she is she held it and gave it kisses lol. She really is something else. I love that snake too. It knows me now and always crawls into my hoodie pocket.
I'm just having a smoke, finished watching always sunny. Now I have to figure out which show to binge watch next. I finished playing walking dead s2 last night. That game is amazing and if you've never played either get both. Season two won't be as good or as deep if you don't play season one. I'm really too exhausted to write too much more and nothing really crazy has happened. I go to get my taxes done tomorrow... yay, not. I for some reason don't feel very lonely or depressed. OH Sara did something rude af Tuesday morning but I'll try and remember to write about that in the next post. I'm too tired to write more rn,
It's Wednesday, so naturally I had the kids. We went over to Bobbies and of course my daughter worships his, because his daughter is 10 and mine is almost 4. Lucky his daughter thinks mine is adorable so they "play together" and so she really enjoys it. My son ofc is my son so he played video games with Amanda's son. He really likes Jorden and gets along with him very well which is rare for my son. He is way nicer to Jorden every since he seen him have a seizure. I hope that means my son is becoming a good person. On the way home after he saw Jorden have a seizure for the first time he asked me; "dad? I didn't know humans could do that. I didn't know if he was going to die." *mind you my son is 6 at this time* I explained to him in medical terms what had happened and that we don't know why it has to certain people but with some humans it just does. You could see my answer didn't satisfy him, like the answer wasn't fair. He was right and I had no clue what to respond to him. Oop's, sorry for going off topic, I should warn you now, I tend to wander when I write and tend to bring up recollections etc. Anyway, My daughter Played with Amanda's corn snake! You could tell she was a touch uncomfortable with it. But being the though person she is she held it and gave it kisses lol. She really is something else. I love that snake too. It knows me now and always crawls into my hoodie pocket.
I'm just having a smoke, finished watching always sunny. Now I have to figure out which show to binge watch next. I finished playing walking dead s2 last night. That game is amazing and if you've never played either get both. Season two won't be as good or as deep if you don't play season one. I'm really too exhausted to write too much more and nothing really crazy has happened. I go to get my taxes done tomorrow... yay, not. I for some reason don't feel very lonely or depressed. OH Sara did something rude af Tuesday morning but I'll try and remember to write about that in the next post. I'm too tired to write more rn,
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